Tuesday 11 December 2012



Saya, bersama 2 rakan kumpulan saya, Cik Hazwani Mat Dah dan En Zul Hisham Nadzri berjaya menyiapkan CDROM untuk dipersembahkan pada hari ini yang bertajuk:

DVDROM Pra Sekolah - Bahasa Melayu
Topik: Kenderaan

Kami menerapkan 5 elemen multimedia yang dikehendaki iaitu :
1. teks
2. audio
3. video
4. interaktif
5. animasi

Perisian yang digunakan dalam pembangunan CDROm ini ialah:
a. Adobe Flash CS 3 - Pembangunan Courseware utama
b. Adobe Photoshop - Grafik
c. Cyberlink Power Directer - Editing video
d. Online AudioConverter - Menukar format audio
e. Video Converter- Menukar format video

Peralatan yang digunakan:
1. Laptop
2. Sound Headphone - rakaman suara
3. Nikon  D90 - penggambaran video dan gambar statik
4. Telefon Bimbit Samsung - Galaxy Y
5. Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.0 - rakaman video

Komen Pensyarah - En Juhazreen Junaidi
1. Perlu pembetulan suara agar setara bagi semua audio.
    Yang lain semua Ok...!

Idea Menarik Kumpulan Lain

1. Lampiran HELP
2. Lampiran untuk USER
3. Lampiran keperluan Komputer /Peralatan
4. Jika 3 soalan , pastikan jawapan pilihan mesti 4/5 pilihan jawapan
5. Pembinaan manual CD
6. Evaluation 3 kumpulan  1. pengguna,2. pakar dan 3. pembangun
7. Pelbagai jenis aktiviti seperti Drag and drop , multiple choices , kuiz dsb
8. Panduan navigation
9. Menyatakan masalah pembinaan CDROM
10. Refleksi

Tuesday 4 December 2012


PRELIMINARY REPORT MPT 1293 PEMBANGUNAN MULTIMEDIA BERASASKAN CD ROM Untuk Perhatian En Juhazren Junaidi Disediakan oleh ABDUL MURAD ABD HAMID HAZWANI MOHD DAH ZUL HISHAM NADZRI Introduction The software was developed to assit children in kindergarden level to recognize the alphabet, improve the spelling skills by pronounce the right consonant and vowels. The courseware has three parts starting with recognizing the object and sound. Second part is spelling while the third one is drag and drop zone. Each parts were created to give the ultimum effect to children to reach the objective. The learning theory that applied in the courseware are cognitive and constructive while the activity style is drill. The courseware are flash and photoshop base which has a excelent graphics and movements. Background of Learning Problem A normal children are able to learn and able to follow the intrcution given by teacher. Howver there are some obtacles which avoid them to learn as normal. Biology and psychosocial is know as a factor which contribute the weaknessess. Genetic and diseases which are the children obtain from parents which also called inheretence issues is define as biological factor while inability to learn due to lack of effective equipment and any assistive technology which can cstimulate the children learning process. Biology issues is hard to solve but psychosocial is able to solve by creating a appropriate devices or media to assist to reduce the problem. Inability to spell and read is look as a main problem in TABIKA Kemas where the children were spent a year to know the alphabets and sound. However the generic lesson plan which apply by teacher doesnt work to a few student which need a teaching aids. To achieve this we design the courseware which can deliver the problem solving. The Solution The courseware is called “Mengenal Sukukata Untuk Pra Sekolah: Topik Kenderaan” which can help children to overcome the consonant and vowel problems. The courseware was design with some graphics and animations, pupils can determine and differentiate between the vehicle that used in air, water and land. Apart form that the background sound is attached and some text for word spelling improvement. The courseware design and elements is believed will attract the user considering that the primary school pupils prefer images or animations. Courseware Learning Objective The objectives are to assist the primary students to know the object of vehicle according the area of operation and to improve the spelling techniques. Theories and Learning Approach The learning theories that we applied in courseware are Cognitive and Constructive while the learning approach were Drill & Practice ( Drag and Drop ). The Courseware It has a few components starting with main page (home). The home page has a few links which allow the user to select the any links which named as Kenal Sukukata, Kenderaan darat, Kenderaan Air, Kenderaan Udara and Latihan. Each pages has a button, so that the user can move from page to another page. The Courseware Prelimenary Works It comprise the selection of Development Model, Flow chart, Ganttchart and Story Board. In order to reach the objective, the courseware was design based on ADDIE model which start with Analysis, Design, Developemnt, Implementation and Evaluation. The reasons to select the model as below: 1. learners will achieve the goals of the course 2. allows for the evaluation of learner's needs 3. the design and development of training materials 4. evaluation of effectiveness of the training program using processes with specific, measurable outcomes Figure 1 The ADDIE Model. Figure 2: The works flow chart Week 1 Week2 Week3 Week 4 Requirement Analysis Design Develop Implement Testing Figure 3: The Ganttchart of Courseware Developement The Storyboard The storyboard tell the user how the courseware will work once started. Figure 4: Home Screen First screen shows the core components of the courseware. The user has an option to select and move form first screen to another by clicking the button. Figure 5: Kenal Suku Kata Screen This screen allows childrens to learn linguastic matter such as Consonant and Vowell. The user then can practice the spelling skills on object screen by return bak to Home screen. Figure 6: Kenderaan Darat Screen This screen allows childrens to know the object of vehicle at their operation area. By choosing the intersested vehicle they will have the audio and visual of selected vehicle. Other operational area vehicle can be choose by return back to Home Screen. Figure 7: Latihan Screen This screen about drill session, it has two section. First about pronounce excercise and secondly is drag and drop. Pronounce exercise will allow user to know the background sound of the object and to guide the user to have a right pronounciation features for the specific object. The drag and drop session, will improve the user cognitive issues about selectable vehicle. Conclusion The objective of courseware development is to assist or to solve the problem of spelling issues among the children. The development has done by applying the ADDIE concept which emphasize the accessibility and usability issues. The questionnaire which distributed to the teacher will give more information about the courseware ease of use and effectiveness among user. References Baharuddin Arris et al (2008). How to Design Multimedia Web Applications: Theory into Practice. Venton. Boyle, T, (1997). Design for Multimedia Learning. Prentice Hall. Jim Aman, Brent Wilson and SheidaShirvani (2007). Maintaining Lecture Context in A Blended Course. Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges.23(1), pp 56-63. Edwards, A.D.N., Holland, S (2007). Multimedia interface design in education. Springer –Verlag. Saayah Abu dan Sezali Mohd Kamal (2010) Manual Pengajaran Presekolah. PTS Profesional. Appendix A For this section Rating Scale is applied from no 1 to 5 where 1 is very not agree 2 is not agree 3 is undecided 4 is agree 5 is very agree Competency of Performance Question 1 2 3 4 5 Easy to use Easy to understand the content Presented Clearly Good Media Integration Easy to use by novice user No crash problem No Hang problem Ease of Learning Question 1 2 3 4 5 Useful and helpful Right content The learning activities useful Easy to learn Ease of Use Question 1 2 3 4 5 User friendly Simple language Attractive screen design Consistent icon layout The video is relevance Attractive use of colour Easy to navigate

Tuesday 27 November 2012


Documentation of multimedia project

Project Documentation

1. Dokumentasi ialah yang paling penting kerana ia menyimpan:

 - ia menyimpan semua data, fakta ,  langkah, prosuder, maklum balas ahli yang terlibat, maklum balas pelanggan dan perkara yang dilakukan sepanjang pembangunan bahan.
- Dokumentasi ini membantu bagi membaiki semula , meng update semula dan  jika terdapat masalah dalam proses akhir.

- Sebagai pembangun, data-data dan fail asal perlulah disimpan secara sistematik  kerana  jika terdapat masalah dan untuk upgrade pada masa akan datang.

2.Pembanguna Multimedia memerlukan 3 JENIS DOKUMENT

   I.   Planning /Design  Dokument
  II.   Support Dokument
 III.   Final Dokument



  > Buku Manual  Biasanya mengandungi:
     1.   How to use this CD/Program
     II.  Technical Recuirements ( Software/hardware)
     III. Installation Guide


- Ialah laporan kemajuan sepanjang menjalakan projek multimedia

- Masukan semua assesment formatif, review, keputusan setiap pertemuan semasa pembangaunanm keputusan selepepas test I, apakah penambahbaikan sepanjng projek tersebut.


- Dalam report menunjukkan tugas-tugas ahli kumpulan

 1. An introduction to the report
 2. Group meetings
 3. Suggestion gathered from peers
 4. Comments and suggestions from prototype presentation
 5. Testing and Formative evaluation report.
6. Improvements/ changes  yang berbeza dari  planning asal.
7. masalah/isu yang dialami sepanjang yang dihadapai seemasa membangunkan program
8. Reflection of the group members on teh multimedia project development product.
9.  5 muka surat



Week 13.Isu -isu semasa membangunkan software

11 . 12.2012 membentangkan  cd yang telah siap

Monday 26 November 2012

Week 12- Distribution

26 November - 2 December
  • Techniques for multimedia application distribution
  • Methods of multimedia application distribution
  • Marketing strategy
Distribution TechnIques and Methods

1. Bagaimana diedarkan
2. Efisyen kepada pengguna
3.Perlukan perancangan apabila membangunkan multimedia dan muatkan sais
   yang sesuai dengan bahan multimedia yang bakal dikeluarkan
  - magneto optikal disks ( CD , DVD , Blue ray)
  - flash storage
  - network
  - cloud


DVD,CD/Blue Ray
1. mudah dedar
2.mudah diperbanyakkan
3.Blue ray 12 giga ke atas , cdrom 700mb- 4 gb..mudah dibawa

1. 1 terabite..storan besar
2.  mahal

1. Dijaga oleh pihak ketiga

1.. Memerlukan internet


1. How to market ?
- rakan
-kedai buku
-styarikat pegedar

2. Where to start

3. What to be considered?
-produk sesuai atau tidak
-target audiens

4. After sales ?


1. ADVERTISING- tv , internet / online
2. BRANDING - jenama yang menghasilkan produk yang baik menarik minat pelanggan
3.PUBLICITY - cara promosi
4. PRICING - harga perlu berdasarkan  sasaran, level produk
                       - Contoh: bahan yang sama di online murah berbanding dgn di pasaran biasa
7. PUBLIC RELATION - untuk software boleh minta bantuan syarikat lain utk bangunkan software
                                         dan dijual oleh kita

Marketing Strategy Process
1. Understand customer - memahami pelanggan
2. Analisa market
3. Analisa pesaing
4. Kaji cara pengedaram terbaik -di..fb,network, cloud
5. Define marketing mix
6.Analisa kewangan
7. Review dan Revise - kaji semual kelemahan strategy

Jenis-jenis marketing

- multi way marketing ( BRAND <>CUSTOMER
-User generated
- lebih tahu apa yg customer mahu
- aproachable
-rela hati sendiri

-Image and reputation

- lead generation

-one way brand to customer
- Push and interupt
-brand  generated


Wednesday 21 November 2012

Week 11- Evaluation and Documentation

Minggu ini, Ustaz  Juhazreen  membincangkan tajuk " Penilaian dan Pendokumentasian"
Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan PENILAIAN
1. Penilaian sesebuah projek Courseware  memerlukan penelitian kepada 5 perkara  iaiatu:
               i. Idea dan konsep
               ii. Design /Reka bantuk
               iii. Prototaip Courseware
              iv. Implimentation/Pelaksanaan
               v. Produk yang dihasilkan
2. Berkait rapat dengan matlamat / goal
3. Keperluan c/w -Mengapa kita memerlukan multimedia cw tersebut?
4. Kebolehfungsian dan Efektif
    i. Memastikan c/w yang dibina berjalan lancar , tiada masalah  dan efektif
5. Diterima/ mesra Pengguna
    i. Apakah  ia memberi kesan yang positif kepada pengguna
   ii. Apakah cadangan / kehendak pengguna
6. Masalah Identiti
    i. Kepada seseorang pengguna
    ii. Kepada sesuatu tugasan
7.Meningkatkan  pembangunan nilai kehidupan
8. Boleh digunakan oleh semua peringkat
1. Penilaian Formatif
2. Penilaian Sumatif
1. Formal
2. Tidak Formal
1. Penyeliaan dan Interview ( Struktur dan Tidak Berstruktur?
2. Kajian survey , Fokus Kumpulan , Analaysis , Reports, dan Dialog dengan pengguna
3. Borang, Senarai Semak dan Rubrik
Terdapat 3 jenis penilaian iaiatu:
1. Pertemuan berseorangan one to one
2. Penialaian kumpulan kecil
3. Ujian lapangan


Sunday 11 November 2012

Week 10-Testing of the Multimedia Project

Testing of the Multimedia Project
12 November - 18 November
Courseware  Evaluation VS Courseware Testing

Courseware Evaluation
- Looking spesific error
- Improve the design during devolopment
- Improve teh design after the program completed.

Courseware Testing
-matching a prescribed set of quantifiable criteria
againts performance to find error
    * if the design ideas which are aplied are working
    * if the message is communicated perfectly or not
    *if multimedia and interactive elements work properly
    *is relevant to the audience ..and to be changed if no relevant

= memeriksa sama ada project performance berdasarkan 
   spesifikasi yang dipersetujui
   spt kod, struktur kandungan, interaktiviti , menarik dan

Testing memerlukan testing plan yang menyediakan
senarai semak  bagi menilai semua fungsi program.
Sesetengah senarai semak, testing boleh dijalankan
hanya seorang tester sahaja .

Bahan internet

-Membentuk pengadilan mengenai kualiti sesuatu aspek yg dinilai berdasarkan kriteria2 tertentu.
 -Pelengkap kpd pendidikan dan syarat kepada rekabentuk pembangunan dan pembinaan aplikasi yg berkualiti.  
-Penilaian formatif dan sumatif

Penilaian Formatif
    Proses penilaian sepanjang proses pembangunan sesebuah aplikasi.
     Menilai halangan, perubahan dlm keperluan pengguna, masalah2 dihadapi pengguna.
     Penilai – pakar mata pelajaran, pakar psikologi, pengguna sebenar.
     Hasil penilaian membolehkan pembangun mengenalpasti bhgn yg perlu dibaiki atau dikemaskini

Penilaian Sumatif
 Penilaian ke atas aplikasi yg telah siap sepenuhnya.
 Melihat dan menyemak sama ada sesuatu aplikasi yg telah dibina menepati permintaan dan   keperluan pengguna.
   Mengesahkan kesesuaian aplikasi yg tlh dihasilkan.
   Memastikan matlamat pembangunan aplikasi tercapai.

Week 9- Presentation Our CDROM Prototype

5 November - 11 November

Project Presentation and Discussion (Prototype)

Marks – 15 %: 5% Group and 10% Individual

Week 8-Multimedia Project Devolopment

22 October - 28 October
Multimedia Project Development

Week 7- Presentation Design

Presentation Design

15 October - 21 October
  • Screen design, visual theme, colors & typography
  • Common challenges in presentation design

Minggu 6 - Interaction Design

8 October - 14 October
Interaction Design
  • Organization
  • Navigation
  • Interactivity

Monday 8 October 2012

Week 5 Information Design

 Information Design

1 October - 7 October

  • Multimedia design process.
  • Application of learning theory in producing a multimedia     application.
  • Tips and guidelines on how to apply learning strategies in developing multimedia application

  • Web Design Ballancing

    Rujuk 2 web:

    1.The Concept Of Ballace in Web Design
    2. http://www.printfriendly.com/

    In design, balance is the notion that elements are symmetrical, which in turn creates harmony, order, and cohesion. Often found in nature, the concept often yields aesthetically pleasing results that are complete in our minds. On the other end of the spectrum, asymmetry is a break in balance and can lead to visually interesting results in return. You’ll see just as physical objects have weight, so do the elements of a layout.
    The Concept of Balance in Web Design

    When applied strategically, this concept of balance can help guide the viewer’s eye to places we want in a design. In this article I will cover the concept of balance and the factors that influence it. The outcome will give you the designer the tools you need to incorporate this concept into your work.

    What is Balance?

    Balance is the equal distribution of visual weight in a design. Visual balance occurs around a vertical axis; our eyes require the visual weight to be equal on the two sides of the axis. We are bilateral creatures and our sense of balance is innate. When elements are not balanced around a vertical axis, the effect is disturbing and makes us uncomfortable.


    Symmetrical balance, or formal balance, occurs when the elements of a composition are the same on either side of an axis line.
    The website for Kite Experience, shown below, illustrates this concept well. Many elements and blocks of content are centered and are evenly proportional on both sides to create bilateral symmetry, and we can see how sections of content are kept to the same size and then translated across the page. Even when this grid is broken up, the proportions still match up to compensate for the difference.
    Kite Experience
    HTML5 Demo
    This design remains centered, creating a horizontally centered look. Although some of the imagery at the bottom isn’t centered, the overall balance of the design is.

    Vertical Balance

    Vertical balance is the vertically oriented version of symmetrical design. If one were to split a website along the vertical axis along the middle of the page one would find that the top and bottom halves reflect on this axis.
    Klee Painting

    Horizontal Balance

    Conversely, when elements are balanced left and right of a central axis they are balanced horizontally.
    Last Supper

    Other Forms

    Other forms of symmetry exist that aren’t readily expressed in web design but are widely popular in logo and print design. Still, each can be used in design to create strong points of interest and visual stability. These forms are:
    Radial Balance
    Other Forms
    Bilateral Symmetry, or Reflection Symmetry, exists when a composition is balanced on more than one axis. It’s often known as the “mirror” effect. Reflection symmetry can take on any direction: vertical, diagonal, and anything in between.
    Bilateral Symmetry
    Radial Symmetry, which occurs when elements are equally spaced around a central point. In design, it can be used to portray motion or speed. Even on a static medium, rotational symmetry can convey action.
    Radial Symmetry


    Asymmetrical balance is the lack of symmetry. Asymmetry can also represent an object that breaks a predefined pattern of symmetry, or an imbalance of design elements.
    Shapes Assymetry
    You’ll find this concept exemplified on the website for The Fashion Sketchpad shown below. The result is a design that is creative and visually appealing.
    Note that balance is achieved through visual weight: the purple is heavier visually, but is balanced by the abundant use of the color aqua to the right. Rather than mirror images on either side of the layout, asymmetrical balance involves objects of differing size, shape, tone, or placement. These objects are arranged so that, despite their differences, they equalize the weight of the page.
    Asymmetrical balance is used often on the web due to its versatility. If you take a look at most two-column website layouts, you’ll notice that the wider column is often lighter in color - a tactic that creates a good contrast for the text and main content. The diminutive navigational column is often darker, has some sort of border, or is made to stand out in another way, in order to create balance within the layout.
    The Fashion Sketchpad
    The Fashion Sketchpad

    Symmetry vs. Asymmetry

    How do you know when it’s right to use either? In general, symmetrical objects are less heavy visually. This is why you see this technique used often for backgrounds, patterns, or anything that needs to be visually subdued.
    So if you’re designing a website that calls for stability and a strong organizational structure, a symmetrical design may be well suited. It’ll lend a trusting, safe feel to the design. On the other hand, if you’re looking to break apart from what is considered safe, an asymmetric design can reinforce that message. Asymmetry can add spark to an otherwise visually safe design.
    • Symmetry is best used: For layout or any other time you need to keep content roughly the same size and spanned across the entire website or print design.
    • Asymmetry is best used: To draw attention to a certain area by throwing a viewer’s eye off balance.

    The Rule of Thirds

    The Rule of Thirds is a visual arts rule that states that an image should be imagined as divided into nine equal parts by two equally-spaced horizontal lines and two equally-spaced vertical lines, and that important compositional elements should be placed along these lines or their intersections. Aligning a composition according to Rule of thirds creates more tension, energy and interest in the composition than simply centering the feature would.
    So how do you split a layout into 9 equal parts? Jason Beiard states the following method for applying the Rule of Thirds to your layouts:
    To start the pencil-and-paper version of your layout, draw a rectangle. The vertical and horizontal dimensions don’t really matter, but try to keep straight lines and 90-degree angles.
    • Divide your rectangle horizontally and vertically by thirds.
    • Divide the top third of your layout into thirds again.
    • Divide each of your columns in half to create a little more of a grid.
    • You should have a square on your paper that looks similar to the rule of thirds grid.


    MacAllan Ridge
    You’ll see in this asymmetrical layout that balance is achieved in the navigational column through the use of border. This tactic is used a lot in asymmetrical layouts to create contrast from the main text, which is dominant
    Macallan Ridge
    The website for CG Vietnam, a graphics development firm, is another study of the capabilities of asymmetry. The background provides a calm, stable backdrop for the imbalance.
    To create a sense of order, the website for the Biltmore uses a symmetrical layout where content is evenly distributed in blocks. As you can see, the use of illustration adds another dimension to the website, breaking the monotony.
    RJay Haluko
    The multidisciplinary designer RJay Haluko presents his portfolio is a symmetrical format. In web design, symmetrical design is often translated through the use of a grid, as is the case on portfolio websites. To break up the monotony, the header features as asymmetrical layout, giving you a glimpse of what’s ahead in a compelling format.
    Weatherre Imagined
    An example of radial symmetry is portrayed on the website for Polecat. It’s also featured in the “Our Team” section, creating a balanced yet visually interesting layout for this iPhone app developers website. This balance is offset by an asymmetrical background, adding visual interest.
    Pole Cat
    Warble Entertainment
    The use of a symmetrical layout is clearly defined on the website for Warble Entertainment. Evenly sized blocks are translated across the screen, forming a grid. The logo is also balanced by the cartoon bird illustration on the right. Whereas the layout is formal, the background adds plenty of visual interest to the website for this entertainment company.
    Paradox Labs
    You’ll see in this example for Paradox Labs, the balance is predominantly vertical. If you fold the design along the horizontal axis the top and bottom elements remain balanced vertically.
    Paradox Labs
    Get Active
    Here’s another example of a website featuring radial balance. The elements are all spaced equally around the large central illustration. The result is a design that conveys action and supports the website’s theme very well.
    Get Active
    Symmetry is exemplified on the website for Zagg. If you split the design down the center, you’ll see everything basically reflects perfectly, creating a nice horizontal balance.
    31 Three
    31 Three is asymmetrically balanced with the large image on the right balancing the text and smaller images on the left. Notice how the 3 circular images on the left are symmetrical forms and through translation symmetry they create a rhythm and flow leading to or from the large image on the right.
    31 Three


    As you can see, the use of balance in design can be a very powerful tool. When using symmetry, the result is one of order, cohesion, and professionalism, whereas asymmetry lends itself of interest, character, and uniqueness. It also can be used to showcase points of interest in the design. Discover the message your client is trying to achieve with their website and use these examples to relate which will work best for them.

    Friday 5 October 2012

    Week 4 Multimedia Project Management

    24 September - 30 September
    Multimedia Project Management
    • Multimedia development team
    • Roles involved in a multimedia development project.
    • Issues on management of multimedia development, duration, financial and co-operation.

    Week 3 Mutimedia devolopment process

    17 September - 23 September

    Steps ini devoloping multimedia
    Design model and methodology
    Instructional design model

    Apakah Multimedia
    Multimedia membantu kita membuat persembahan dalam dalam bentuk :
    - teks , grafik , animasi ,video, muzik dan suara sama ada dalam 1 bentuk sahaja atau
    gabungan sebahagian atau keseluruhannya.
    Multimedia membolehkan persembahan menjadi lebih interaktif hasil gabungan
    audio,video, gambar statik ,muzik ,teks dan animasi

    Multimedia boleh disimpulkan sebagai media komputer bermaklumat yang dipersembahkan

    hasil gabungan lebih 1 medium.
    Elemen Multimedia
    Terdapat 5 elemen utama multimedia iaitu:
    1. Teks
    2. Grafik
    3. Audio
    4. Video
    5. Animasi
    In group of 5, discuss the article on ‘Educational Multimedia Systems :
    The Past, the Present, and a Glimpse into the Future’

    # Things to be considered in your discussion.
    # How to integrate the educational multimedia system as discussed in the paper in teaching and
    learning? Choose two systems.

    # What educational multimedia system do you think is effective and cost-effective and why?

    # Suggest and justify an appropriate educational multimedia system that can be used in your school
    for teaching and learning.

    # Present your outcomes of the discussion at the end of the class using PowerPoint or Words.

    Week 2 - Holiday Week

    Present your outcomes of the discussion at the end of the class using PowerPoint or Words

    Thursday 4 October 2012



    10 September - 16 September
    • Course and syllabus explanation
    • Lecturer’s & student’s responsibilities
    • Assignment and project
    • Project showcase